Thursday, December 19, 2013

Goodbye, Michaelmas Term!

'Tis done, suckers!!!

Sorry, I am just overly excited about the fact that this Michaelmas term is over!!! I have survived the first 10 weeks of my masters---yes, it was only 10 weeks, don't judge me... I have stopped calling it "the semester" because, really, let's face it... a weight loss program takes longer than a term in a UK university.

So, after a horribly stressing last week (which is why I haven't been writing much), I have finally finished writing  all my assignments (not proud of them, though, I don't think it's been my best work).

I wrote a paper on gender roles in the literature of the Fin-de-Siecle---- basically just me talking about gayish relationships for 11 pages.... no room for research (yikes).

Then my other paper was about materialism and spirituality in Gaskell's North and South (mind you, one of my favorite books). That was probably my favorite one that I wrote.

Lastly, I wrote about endings and the journey of desire in Pamela (also called THE MOST BORING BOOK IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND).

You know the best part of this? None of these actually count. They are not giving me a grade.That's motivating, huh? NOT. That's BS!!!!!!! Why bother working hard, right? Yet, you know me, my over-achiever little mind can't let go, so I spent hours and hours on these papers.

Now, the paper that did count, my research proposal, was actually... really... bad. And I'm scared. But what can I do? I tried as best as I could (right...). It's done, no regrets. YOLO.... or, in this case YOFYMO (you only fail your masters once).

But either way, God got me through these two incredibly hard months. Gracias, Big G! What a time this has been! I can't see how I would have done it without Him.

Well, anyway. So I finished the term, and of course I partied. HARD. I went to a party at Ustinov (one of Durham's colleges) and danced my socks off! It was so. much. fun. I melted. No, really... it was super hot and I was wearing a Christmas jumper.

Then on Saturday I went to Newcastle and went crazy shopping. PRIMARK is my new favorite store. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There goes my student loan.... yikes.

We are off to London on Monday morning! And then I'm homebound!

I gotta pack, xoxo!

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